Mastering Top 5 Silhouette Studio Shortcuts

Silhouette Studio shortcuts

Mastering Top 5 Silhouette Studio Shortcuts

Silhouette Studio is a powerful software that allows you to design, edit, and cut your projects with your Silhouette cutting machine. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you can benefit from using some handy shortcuts that can save you time and make your workflow more efficient. In this article, we will share our top 5 favorite Silhouette Studio shortcuts that we use all the time.

Silhouette Studio Shortcuts
Silhouette Studio Shortcuts

Copy and Paste: Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V

One of the most basic and useful shortcuts is to copy and paste objects or text into your design. To copy an object or text, simply select it and press Ctrl+C on your keyboard. To paste it, press Ctrl+V on your keyboard. You can also use this shortcut to copy and paste objects or text from other programs, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, into Silhouette Studio.

 Duplicate: Ctrl+D

Another way to create copies of objects or text in your design is to duplicate them. To duplicate an object or text, select it and press Ctrl+D on your keyboard. This will create an exact copy of the selected object or text and place it slightly offset from the original. You can use this shortcut to quickly create multiple copies of the same object or text without having to copy and paste them manually.

Silhouette Studio Shortcuts
Silhouette Studio Shortcuts

Group and Ungroup: Ctrl+G and Ctrl+U

Sometimes, you may want to combine multiple objects or text into one group, so that you can move, resize, rotate, or align them as a single unit. To group objects or text, select them and press Ctrl+G on your keyboard. To ungroup them, select the group and press Ctrl+U on your keyboard. You can also use this shortcut to group and ungroup layers in your design.

Undo and Redo: Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y

If you make a mistake or change your mind about something in your design, you can use the undo and redo shortcuts to revert or repeat your actions. To undo your last action, press Ctrl+Z on your keyboard. To redo your last action, press Ctrl+Y on your keyboard. You can use these shortcuts multiple times to undo or redo several actions in a row.

Zoom In and Out: Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-

Sometimes, you may want to zoom in or out of your design to see the details or the overall layout better. To zoom in, press Ctrl++ on your keyboard. To zoom out, press Ctrl+- on your keyboard. You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out of your design.

Silhouette Studio Shortcuts
Silhouette Studio Shortcuts


These are our top 5 favorite Silhouette Studio shortcuts that we use frequently. Of course, there are many more shortcuts that you can explore and customize in Silhouette Studio. You can find a list of all the available shortcuts in the Help menu or by pressing F1 on your keyboard. You can also create your own shortcuts by going to the Edit menu and selecting Preferences. Then, go to the Shortcuts tab and assign your own keys to the commands you want.